Warm Invitation to be a Travel Guest Author

If you are a TRAVELER with a passion to write here is the platform where you can vent out your emotions and share your incredible experiences with the travel-hungry community on the web. At eTravel.com, we believe sharing knowledge and experiences help to encourage more travel and enhance the overall travel experience of the readers. So, allow your hands a free flow on the keyboard as your mind unravels the rich travel experiences you have gathered over the years.

How you Benefit?

1.You get the opportunity to share your knowledge and experiences on a platform that is trusted by both seasoned and amateur travelers.

2. We promote your content across our popular social networks so you get a chance to reach out to more travel enthusiasts.

What You Can Write On?

You can share the new things that you explored about a place which could be anywhere around the globe or even in your own city. Tell us how your travel escapades changed your perception of the world and helped you shape as a better human. Through your write-ups, you can inspire travel enthusiasts and guide them with a tip or two to make their journey safer and more enjoyable. You can share your stories in the form of an article, photo essay or as a video.


1. Your content should be unique and the information provided should be correct, comprehensible and reliable.

2. The images you submit should be large in size and in JPG format. If the image is not original and taken from another website, provide the source URL along with the name of the photographers if taken permission from them. Content without appropriate pictures will not be accepted.

3. You can include pictures from Flickr and other resources making sure they are without any copyright issues and allow image usage on giving image courtesy.

4. You can include one link to your personal/professional blog or website in the author box. The content will not be accepted without author profile picture and short bio.

5. The content should be at least 400 words.

6. eTravel content team will have all rights to accept or reject guest posts.

So if you have a travel story to share, we and our travel-loving readers are eager to read your experiences.

To apply for guest posting, write to us on [email protected]

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